Maximizing Home Renovation Efficiency with Mass Save

When renovating your home, Blacklough Construction understands that efficiency is key—not only in terms of time and cost but also in making your home more energy-efficient. Combining home renovations with programs like Mass Save and using our Mass Save compliant vendors we can make a world of difference for your comfort and long-term savings. 

What is Mass Save?

Mass Save is a collaborative program by Massachusetts utility companies aimed at helping residents and businesses reduce energy consumption. It offers rebates, incentives, and energy assessments to improve energy efficiency in homes and businesses.

Why Pair Renovations with Mass Save?

  1. Energy Audits Early On: Before starting your renovation, a free home energy assessment from Mass Save can identify inefficiencies, like drafty windows or outdated heating systems. Addressing these during your renovation ensures you’re not retrofitting later, which saves money and effort.
  2. Rebates and Incentives: If you’re upgrading insulation, HVAC systems, or lighting, Mass Save provides rebates and incentives to reduce the upfront cost. This allows homeowners to invest in high-quality, energy-efficient options that might otherwise be cost-prohibitive.
  3. Integrated Improvements: Renovations are a perfect time to incorporate energy-saving measures like adding insulation, installing energy-efficient windows, and upgrading to smart thermostats. Mass Save’s programs can help guide these choices, making sure your home is optimized from the start.
  4. Long-term Savings: Combining renovations with energy-efficient upgrades not only enhances your home’s comfort but also significantly lowers energy bills. Over time, the energy savings will help offset the costs of your renovation, making it a win-win investment.

Tips for Efficiency-Driven Renovations

  • Start with an Energy Audit: Schedule a Mass Save energy audit early in your planning process to spot the biggest energy-saving opportunities.
  • Plan for Rebates: Look into Mass Save’s incentives for appliances, insulation, and heating systems to incorporate these savings into your renovation budget.
  • Think Long-Term: Focus on high-impact improvements like insulation, air sealing, and efficient appliances to maximize savings and comfort for years to come.

Renovating with efficiency in mind not only makes your home more sustainable but also takes advantage of valuable resources like Mass Save, which can help you save both energy and money.